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/s4scraft/ activity tracker

Server Address:

Le [s4s] minecraf survival serbur for [s4s] nicers.

Java 1.20.2 and Bedrock (via GeyserMC on port 25565)

Latest news: >>>/s4s/s4scraft

💤 About —



🧭 mines, crafts, and mickers. what a treat... just b nice —

Pictured, west side of the spawn landmass, where the mickers live!

Server render distance is ~11 chunks (prolly), turn it waaaaaaay up with the Bobby mod and watch ur PC explohd at incredible hihg speed!!!

✨ Player Count —

Server online since Feburary 2024, all times UTC.

Last updated 2024-07-27 06:14:05+00:00, statistics refreshed every 10 minutes, unless GitHub Actions throttles me again cus I don't wanna pay for a VPS.


👑 Most Commonly Seen Players —

Rank, username, times spotted, date last spotted

 1	Kreseph           693  3w ago
 2	Claybacon         370  2mo ago
 3	stpeam            352  3w ago
 4	Kiyyun            276  4w ago
 5	Voyes             231  2mo ago
 6	snooozanoom       180  2mo ago
 7	kennor14          155  1mo ago
 8	nicefig           130  3w ago
 9	684               111  2mo ago
10	G33KO             95   3w ago
11	D3F4L7_           51   2mo ago
12	saLT_Juicy        42   2mo ago
13	GIANT_CRAB        42   1mo ago
14	Lampara204        41   2mo ago
15	sunfishywow       36   2mo ago
16	Pizza_Joe         31   2mo ago
17	born2late         29   3w ago
18	JeffreyEpstein    24   3mo ago
19	__victim__        23   4w ago
20	riricky77         22   2mo ago
21	Mintiplite        21   2mo ago
22	125scratch        21   1mo ago
23	Galantro985       19   1mo ago
24	DookieDookster    19   2mo ago
25	rqmzi             16   1mo ago
26	duders_           13   3w ago
27	boschel           13   1mo ago
28	JNakz64           12   3mo ago
29	Hollowgraph       11   2mo ago
30	Asukaism          11   3w ago
31	ironyhater        10   1mo ago
32	12DAMDO           9    3mo ago
33	sykosami          8    1mo ago
34	marquitos3p       8    2mo ago
35	ilker__           8    2mo ago
36	iBeatWomen2Death  8    2mo ago
37	NoName2820        8    2mo ago
38	Neurotoxin101     8    2mo ago
39	Ethanyes          8    2mo ago
40	BaconLover07      8    2mo ago
41	Tightt            7    2mo ago
42	skovmoj           6    4w ago
43	AvidNihilist      6    2mo ago
44	xwxw              5    2mo ago
45	podracinglol      5    3mo ago
46	foxxboii          5    2mo ago
47	SedansCans        5    3mo ago
48	revega            4    3mo ago
49	nezanyat          4    1mo ago
50	idk1208           4    2mo ago
51	Zeroda            4    2mo ago
52	GUNKYSHOOTER      4    3mo ago
53	CunniBandit       4    2mo ago
54	2j0               4    2mo ago
55	rzouga            3    2mo ago
56	lain098576908576  3    2mo ago
57	khaowai           3    4w ago
58	ironjayy          3    2mo ago
59	doopeers          3    3mo ago
60	SpaceMarineGamin  3    3mo ago
61	King2s            3    2mo ago
62	Houison1          3    3mo ago
63	qin_wong          2    1mo ago
64	niceposter765     2    3mo ago
65	job1488           2    2mo ago
66	UwU_r             2    3mo ago
67	TsukiStuffs       2    2mo ago
68	TheVoidLord101    2    3mo ago
69	Pancho327         2    2mo ago
70	Nastja3           2    1mo ago
71	Jesterrr_         2    3mo ago
72	soda              1    2mo ago
73	moorat            1    3mo ago
74	enslavecatgirls   1    1mo ago
75	corm              1    1mo ago
76	Zielony898        1    3mo ago
77	Mich900           1    2mo ago
78	MadokaMagic       1    3mo ago
79	Macavitycode      1    2mo ago
80	FearBag           1    2mo ago
81	0842DC37B8E88DRW  1    4w ago

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